19 June 2012

How to Submit Your Memo

  1. Type your REFLECTIONS* and add them as the first page of your document (insert > page break). 
  2. Add the EXAMPLE MEMO that you collected (this can be an image file or the actual text; then insert > page break again). 
  3. Include the HOW-TO-WRITE-A-MEMO memo (#1).
  4. Include the MAKE-THIS-CLASS-PERSONALLY-VALUABLE memo (#2). 
  5. Save this single document as a .DOC or .DOCX file.
  6. RENAME the file so it has your name and a title (and don’t delete the .doc extension).
  7. ATTACH it to an email.
  8. In the SUBJECT LINE, write your name and the paper title.
  9. EMAIL it to me at travis washburn at byu dot edu.
*Write a paragraph for each of these three questions: (1) What did you do well on? (2) What did you struggle with? (3) If you could do this whole assignment over again, what would you change?

This is due Friday BEFORE CLASS (a change from the syllabus, which we’ll talk about).

By submitting this assignment through email, you are confirming that (1) your email is sufficiently secure to send and receive confidential grades and (2) you’re willing to have your grades come back through the same email address (that is, you trust email’s level of security and are willing to take the risk of any breaches). If you’d rather have your grades transmitted through paper, please submit a paper copy of the assignment to my box in JFSB 4116.

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