27 July 2012

Brainstorming for Posters

Come up with 3 potential ideas that you’d like to do for the technical poster. Paste these as a comment below.


  1. 1. Fast Food
    2. Dental Hygiene
    3. Influence of Music

  2. How to use a lacrosse stick, how to play a guitar, or how to throw a punch/preform a submission move.

    1. Submission moves are always interesting!!

  3. hope

  4. 1. Coagulation (From scrape to scab)
    2. Bacteria Agar Plates (Forming independent colonies faster than you can say Yankee Doodle)
    3. Cell Morphology (Signs before Symptoms)

  5. 1. How to make healthy choices throughout the day (a poster geared towards obese middle school students)

    2. Share the road (a poster aimed at motorists who are unkind to cyclists)

    3. Obamacare simplified (a summary of the Affordable Care Act's main provisions made for uninformed voters).

    4. The anatomy of vegetables (a review of the benefits of plant foods aimed at those who argue that you need meat to get enough protein).

  6. 1) Components of a camping pack

    2) Anatomy and function of a fishing pole & reel

    3) Creating a technical poster

  7. 1. Technical poster describing the method our lab uses to study addiction. I would put this on the website I just developed for the lab so prospective students and donors would have a better grasp on what we do. (I'll probably do this one)
    2. Make a poster to present research at an upcoming conference.
    3. Make a poster that teaches a simple visual method I have developed in teaching basic Spanish verb conjugations.

  8. Elements of an Emo
    Lightsaber configuration
    How a gun works

  9. 1) An Octopus
    2) The Eiffel tower
    3) Photo-synthesis

  10. location of internal organs
    parts of the brain
    muscle and bone relations
    data on wrist stiffness

  11. Parts of a computer
    Parts of a healthy meal and what makes it healthy
    Parts of a piano

    Stephen Kitto

  12. 1. Something about how everyone can become a runner, and how running is a metaphor for life.

    2. Some sort of fun mathematical design that invites and excites students to learn mathematics.

    3. Classroom management

  13. 1) Study done on Sleep deprivation and its correlation with health and obesity

    2) How a Fundus Camera works and what it shows

    3) The Science behind Creatine

    Andrew Black

  14. -Paper, Rock, Scissors
    -Medical school density by state
    -Facts showing time spent on Facebook or Instagram

  15. 1) Inform BYU students about the new FrontRunner train opening in December

    2) Inform the general public about poop treatment (when you flush, what happens?)

    3) Inform BYU engineering students about SAMPE (a club about composites) and what/how they can get involved

  16. 1) What gas station cashiers should do when held up. Audience = gas station cashiers

    2) How to eat whipped cream off your wrist without raising your wrist to your mouth. Audience = people who want to learn an easy trick to impress their date

    3) How to down a dragon (because we all know that a downed dragon is a dead dragon). Audience = vikings

    Tanner Miles

  17. - Renting vs Buying a home
    - Comparing how much teachers make with other professions on an hourly basis
    - The likely hood of men vs women eating less red meat.

  18. Eye Functions and Structure
    Knee Pain and Osteoarthritis
    Building a Shelf

    Dan Nielson

  19. 1. How to shave an elderly man's face.
    2. How to brush someone else's teeth.
    3. How to change a patient's brief.

    -Nicole Krantz

  20. Anatomy of a plant
    How a baler works
    Meaning behind a famous painting


  21. 1. Illustrate the concept of layers in computerized map making.
    2. Rock climbing in Rock Canyon (audience could be BYU students interested in local outdoor activities).
    3. Poster promoting computer programming (aimed at people who are intimidated by technology).
