24 August 2012

Circle Me

You guys were an awesome class. Thanks for a great semester. I wish you well. Good luck with school, professions, marriage, and life. And feel free to stay in touch.






P.S. This is probably the last email you want to receive from our class blog. There should be an unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email.

06 August 2012

Final: Punctuation Quiz

The 1200-Word Final

INSTRUCTIONS: You have to write a total of 1200 words. You also have to answer each of these seven questions. That means you can give short answers on some and long answers on others, until you reach the word count. (And remember the Ninja Method, grasshopper.)

  1. What was the coolest moment of the semester? (Doesn’t have to be related to our class.) 
  2. What do you think I think is the most important thing I’ve taught you this semester? 
  3. What is the most important thing you’ve learned this semester?
  4. What new bits of technology did you learn? What did you learn about the role of technology in communication?
  5. What’s something you learned from Lynn Truss in Eats, Shoots and Leaves?
  6. In The Anatomy of Peace, Yusuf and Avi taught us about acting on the feelings that tell us to treat others as people. What action did reading the book encourage you to take? What relationship did it make you think about? 
  7. If you were running the show, what would you have changed to make this class better?

EXTRA CREDIT: Explain how a specific scene in Nacho Libre teaches an important principle of writing (describe the scene too).

P.S. Did your changes to the Wikipedia entry stick? Explain. (But you don’t have to copy and paste all that stuff I told you to do.)

NOTE: Make sure you label your answers (you could copy and paste the questions above into a Word document). Also, when you EMAIL IT TO ME, rename the file with your name and give the “essay” a  clever title—like we always do. This is due Wednesday at 5:00pm.

Freewrite Race (10 mins)

We're going to write for 10 minutes.

You can write about whatever you want (but no gibberish).

The person with the highest word count at the end gets 2 points extra credit.

Stop writing when the timer goes off, and paste what you have as a comment below.

03 August 2012

Food and the Last Day of Class

I’ll give you +2 points extra credit for bringing homemade, savory food on the last day of class (Monday). Sign up here: http://goo.gl/3cl8D

Also, FYI, the final won’t be held in class anymore—it’ll be online. More details to come.

On Monday, you need to have a draft of your technical poster ready for your peers to critique. After the critiques, we’ll have workshop time, and I’ll be able to give more tips on how to do whatever it is you want to do. (But keep it simple if possible. And don’t forget to track your hours.)

See you Monday.

Teammate Grading

You’ll submit this form multiple times—once for each teammate.

I recommend you write up your answers in a separate document and do a little editing before you paste them into the form and click submit.

Goals Rushwrite

Our technical poster assignment has four main goals. Write one paragraph for each, explaining how your project meets the goals. (Post your answers as a comment below.)
  1. It has lasting value to you.
  2. It’s a project you can share with future employers to prove your abilities.
  3. It teaches you software you’ll use in the future.
  4. It helps you become a better communicator.